Radiological Quiz-Musculoskeletal

What is the diagnosis?
ANSWER- Ankylosing Spondylitis, Bamboo Spine Appearance
Winner- ALIREZA, Drop me an email at sumerdoc-AT-yahoo-DOT-com for your prize...
Winner will get a free copy of the book "Review of Radiology" by Dr Sumer K Sethi, a small handbook of Radiology for medical students.
CASE CONTRIBUTED BY- Dr. Suresh Toppo,MD Radiodiagnosis. Senior Resident Lady Hardinge Medical College
Radiological Quiz-Musculoskeletal
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Monday, August 29, 2005
ankylosing spondylitis
Of course, the fact that the picture's URL is (blah-blah)/ankspon.jpg might be giving a bit much of a hint. ;)
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