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Vote for my site, Polls for 2005 Medical Weblog awards are open!!

Vote for my site, Polls for 2005 Medical Weblog awards are open!! Reviewed by Sumer Sethi on Tuesday, January 03, 2006 Rating: 5


Anonymous said...

Dr.Sumer will win all the awards. I am confident that he has what it takes to win.

Anonymous said...

I do not see your name in the second category... voted for you in other two..

Anonymous said...

sorry it was in second table... voted in that too.. wish you success!!

Anonymous said...

i hv referred ur radio handbook for my pg prep...believe me its a wealth of info.keep up the gd work..

Sumer Sethi said...

thanks a lot dears for the support!! thanks..

Anonymous said...

I never read your book... may be some day I would like to read that too... your thanks was very humble... Added one more vote each in last two categories... hope to add more in near future...

Sumer Sethi said...

Dear Chand i would love to send you a complimentary copy of my book,just write me a mail at sumerdoc-AT-yahoo-DOT-com with yor postal mailing address

Anonymous said...

Hi Dr.Sumer, u'll surely win the awards and u deserve them. Me and my friends have voted in all 3 categories and we keep voting whenever we get connected..... Wish u all the very best.

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