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Renal Artery Stenosis-Anatomical Distribution

"Focal Renal Artery stenosis in their study group was distributed as follows 25% main renal artery, 50% 2nd order branch, 12.5% 3rd order branch, and 12.5% accessory renal artery. They concluded Hypertensive children without comorbid conditions who have RAS usually have single, focal branch artery stenoses. This distribution supports angiography in these patients because of its superior sensitivity in detecting branch vessel disease and its therapeutic role in percutaneous transluminal renal angioplasty."
Renal Artery Stenosis-Anatomical Distribution Reviewed by Sumer Sethi on Sunday, July 16, 2006 Rating: 5


Anonymous said...

Help me understand this. These are children who have already been diagnosed with RAS (with a captopril MAG3 scan? I've never done one on a child, but I'm also limited to a rural hospital's population), and this renal angiogram is just to identify which artery is stenosed? I'm fascinated with all modalities of radiology, but so far I've only made it to Nuclear Medicine school.

Sumer Sethi said...

captopril mag3 scan is a screening test for RAS but it has poor senstivity for branch vessel stenosis which is being emphasized in this study that majority of the anatomical location of narrowing is in branch vessels hence the role of angiography as the primary test is exemplified.. also with angiography u can add angioplasty as an add on procedure and it can be curative also!!

Anonymous said...

You radiologists always want to get rid of our easiest exams and give them to another modality ;)

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