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Milk as an Oral Contrast in CT

"Undergoing a scan of one's intestines isn't a pleasant experience for patients with conditions like Crohn's disease, especially since it means downing a concoction made with barium. But a new study suggests there may be a more palatable alternative: milk. Researchers found that milk coats the intestines well enough so that radiologists can properly view the organ in a CT scan. However, milk may not be ideal for all patients, especially since it seems to produce images that are less precise."

Milk May Be Pleasant Alternative for CT Scans It offers slightly poorer images but is more palatable than standard contrast agents, study finds.
Reference- HON news
Milk as an Oral Contrast in CT Reviewed by Sumer Sethi on Friday, December 01, 2006 Rating: 5

1 comment:

Dr Mohit Agarwal said...

milk as a contrast???

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