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UK Radiologist impressed by Indian Hospitals as compared to Glasgow

Source-The London News.Net Thursday 19th April, 2007 (ANI)

"In India we may criticise the medical facilities available here and hail those in the UK, but amazingly, a London-based retired radiologist consultant experienced the opposite. He described the medical facilities in Glasgow as "filthy" and hailed those in India.He said that his wife, who suffered from a head injury after falling off a bicycle, received a "far better treatment" in Ajmer and then in Delhi, as compared to NHS in the UK.Mark Ziervogel's (70) wife Toni (66) first received treatment in Ajmer and then in New Delhi, before flying back to London escorted by a lady nurse and a doctor.Mark said that the hospital in Ajmer, where Toni was seen by a neurosurgeon and given CT scans that revealed bruising to the brain, was "superb". He also praised its cleanliness, the efficiency of the staff and the high standard of equipment.After five days of being admitted in the intensive care unit (ICU), she was transferred to the Max Super Hospital in Delhi and on March 6 she had recovered enough to be taken home to Scotland. She was accompanied on the flight by an Indian doctor and nurse, and Ziervogel said he "blushed" with embarrassment when the Indian doctor walked into the "filthy" Western Infirmary in Glasgow.He said that it was more than four hours before his wife was given a bed on a surgical ward, after which the staff then told him that the hospital was not able to handle patients with head injuries who required rehabilitation.Incidentally, she fell out of the bed and broke her jaw during her stay at the Western. She has since been waiting for five weeks for a bed to become available at the physical disability rehabilitation unit in the Southern General Hospital in Glasgow."
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UK Radiologist impressed by Indian Hospitals as compared to Glasgow Reviewed by Sumer Sethi on Sunday, April 22, 2007 Rating: 5


Rama Mohan said...

We criticise because our medical fecilities not reaching common people of India. For UK Radiologist, it is ok.

Prasanna K said...

I agree with Rama.

The UK radiologist must have paid tens of thousands of Rupees in fees.

The percentage of Indians who can pay that much? Must be around 5-10%.

What the rest of the people have to endure is absolute crap.

workhard said...

Its like what they say, the grass is always greener on the other side...Its funny though.. medical facilites are supposed to be better in the West.. But i am not underestimating Indian facilities either.

Work from home

India Hospital said...

IndiaheartBeat is an Indian Medical community website which provides detailed information about India Hospitals. The team of IndiahartBeat has collected information carefully so that useful information can be served to visitors!

aby said...

indian facilties are on the upper standrads but few people can afford it so wats the use

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