Post traumatic Spinal Cord Edema-Case Report

This is case of acute spinal cord edema in case of road traffic accident. Peculiar thing about this case was there is no vertrebral inury, only cord edema. Case submitted by Dr (Col) Murthy Sr Consultant Teleradiology Providers
Further reading--
MR imaging of recent spinal trauma. J Comput Assist Tomogr 1987 May-Jun;11(3):412-7
"Proper therapeutic management of acute spinal trauma depends considerably on the assessment of the condition of the underlying spinal cord and the relative stability of the surrounding bony architecture. A series of 14 patients who were examined by magnetic resonance (MR) imaging following spinal trauma is presented. Comparison of information gained by MR with that obtained by conventional CT indicates that MR is useful in assessing spinal cord compression, traumatic disk pathology, and post-traumatic intramedullary abnormalities. Computed tomography is more accurate in detecting posterior neural arch fractures and in assessing the number of displaced fragments."
Post traumatic Spinal Cord Edema-Case Report
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Sunday, June 03, 2007

My 6 year old daughter and myself had an accident in the beginning of June. We had stopped at a turning and the guy rammed into us from behing pretty hard. Even though I slammed the brakes we skid into the car in front of us. Around the mid July she began to complain of pain in her neck specifically in the joint where the cervical spine joins the thoracic spine. I gave her some ibuprofen and massges. First week of August she slipped and banged her head against the wall. Around end August the pain was more severe and she had bouts of dizziness. We went for an ortho consult. X-rays came up clear. Pain killers or topical emulgels did not work. He put her in a soft collar which provided some relief and asked for an MRI to be done. The radiologist found "questionable high intensity signal in the cord which could represent edema" and left it at that. Now the ortho guy want to get a 2nd opinion from a radiologist friend and said if he raised the same doubts then I would have to take her to a neurologist. My daughter is an active child who takes illness and pain very well and only cries when it get's unbearabale. She has also suffered from pain in her calves since she was less than a year old. My questions are: 1.Do you think this was caused by the accident, is it normal to have such a delayed reaction to such an accident or is this something else. 2 What is the course of action or end resulty for an injury like this?
Kindly send the case over to us for detailed opinion on MRI
Suffering traumatic stress can affect your emotions as well as your body and the two are so connected that it can be hard to tell the difference. For instance, traumatic stress can cause you to lose concentration, forget things, or have trouble sleeping. It may be difficult to determine on your own whether these symptoms are because you do not feel well physically or because you are still upset.
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