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Radiology Blog and Sumer Sethi feature in RT Image magazine's 25 most influential list

After eliciting reader nominations and debating for hours, RT Image is proud to present the 2007 roster of radiology’s most powerful people, institutions and organizations. Whether their influence comes in numbers or from the dedication of one, all those on our list demonstrate the drive, character and integrity that deserve the title of “Most Influential.” Check out the number 24th for a mention of yours truly Dr Sumer Sethi and his experience with Rad-Blogging. I am proud that the concept of rad-blogging is now recognized as one of the 25 most influential in the world of Radiology.

Here is the link--

Recognizing radiology’s movers and shakers
Radiology Blog and Sumer Sethi feature in RT Image magazine's 25 most influential list Reviewed by Sumer Sethi on Wednesday, September 05, 2007 Rating: 5


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Sumer!

Best wishes,


Anonymous said...

great work dr. Sethi.....
thats pretty impressive


Anonymous said...


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