Spinal Dermoid-MRI

A case of low back acke with right leg pain for 2 months. Radiology- T1 and Fat suppressed T2 weighted images.
Diagnosis-Spinal Dermoid Cyst
There is equal male and female preponderance. The most frequent site of these tumors begin in an extramedullary location; a few may lie in the substance of the cord itself. Complications of the cyst include secondary infection, particularly when associated witha dermal sinus. Rarely these lead to chemical meningitis from the cholesterol-laden keratin released in the subarachnoid space from a ruptured cyst leading to a foreign body type of reaction.
Diagnosis-Spinal Dermoid Cyst
There is equal male and female preponderance. The most frequent site of these tumors begin in an extramedullary location; a few may lie in the substance of the cord itself. Complications of the cyst include secondary infection, particularly when associated witha dermal sinus. Rarely these lead to chemical meningitis from the cholesterol-laden keratin released in the subarachnoid space from a ruptured cyst leading to a foreign body type of reaction.
Case By Teleradiology Providers
Spinal Dermoid-MRI
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Wednesday, October 17, 2007

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