Radiology Grand Rounds XX

In Greek mythology, Achilles was a Greek hero of the Trojan War, the central character and greatest warrior of Homer's Iliad which takes for its theme the Wrath of Achilles.Later legends state that Achilles was invulnerable on all of his body except for his heel. These legends state that Achilles was killed in battle by an arrow to the heel, and so an "Achilles' heel" or Achilles' tendon has come to mean a person's principal weakness.
Axial and saggital MRI of the ankle show an abnormal contour and altered signal intensity involving the tendoachilles, On the T2 and fat suppressed image is an area of high signal in the tendon suggesting tear. Clinical signs for complete tear are Thomson's test and inability to tiptoe.
Hope you enjoyed this edition of Radiology Grand Rounds submissions are requested for the next Radiology Grand Rounds posted every month last sunday. If you interested in hosting any of the future issues contact me at sumerdoc-AT-yahoo-DOT-com.
Images Courtesy
Teleradiology Providers

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