Osteochondroma with Bursitis

Patient has history of rapid enlargement of exostosis and it is due to bursa in lesser trochanter at the cap of the osteochondroma, synovial chondromatosis or chondroid metaplasia in bursa needs to be differentiated. Both CT and MRI are useful imaging techniques to differentiate osteochondroma with large bursa formation from malignant transformation of osteochondroma. The lesser trochanter of the femur is the second most common location of large bursa formation. Cartilage thickness has been measured and appears normal.
Case by Dr MGK Murthy, Sr Consultant Radiologist
Dr.Sumer K Sethi, MD
Consultant Radiologist ,VIMHANS and CEO-Teleradiology Providers
Editor-in-chief, The Internet Journal of Radiology
Director, DAMS (Delhi Academy of Medical Sciences
Dr.Sumer K Sethi, MD
Consultant Radiologist ,VIMHANS and CEO-Teleradiology Providers
Editor-in-chief, The Internet Journal of Radiology
Director, DAMS (Delhi Academy of Medical Sciences
Osteochondroma with Bursitis
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Monday, June 16, 2008

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