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Radiology News


Post Varicella Demyelination-MRI

Symptoms usually follow 1-20 days of viral infection. Age group affected commonly is between 1-20 years. The hallmark of the disease is acute development of neurological signs accompanied by complaints of headache, fever, and alteration of sensorium.
Cerebellar symptoms are very strongly associated with post varicella ADEM. The lesions usually involve subcortical white matter and deep-seated grey matter including basal ganglia, thalamus and cerebellum The pathological features of ADEM are perivenular inflammation and demyelination due to autoimmune mediated response to CNS myelin. ADEM is usually a self-remitting disease. Approximately 70% of the patients show complete recovery. Mild cognitive deficit remains in children who have otherwise recovered clinically and radiologically. Ref: Indian pediatrics 2005

Case by Dr MGK Murthy, Sr Consultant Radiologist
Prime Telerad providers Pvt Ltd

Post Varicella Demyelination-MRI Reviewed by Sumer Sethi on Tuesday, March 10, 2009 Rating: 5

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would love to know more about Post-Varicella Demyelination! I stumbled across this article while studying for an exam but it caught my eye. I had the Chickenpox, to the surprise of my physician, 3 (substantial) times as a child. I have suffered from headaches since age 7 (I'm now 22). They are fairly constant with worsening every couple weeks. I saw a neurologist and had an MRI for the first time last week. My MRI report diagnosed migraines but also said something about possible Demyelination. I haven't seen the neurologist yet since the results came back but I'm wondering if long term headaches like mine and repeat cases of varicella, could it be possible this is something I've experienced and the continued headaches are just a long term effect? I can't seem to find much other information on Post Varicella Demyelination so if you know where I might find it, please post. Thank you.

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