Ossification of posterior longitudnal ligament-CT

Ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament (OPLL) is a well-documented cause of cervical spine stenosis and myelopathy among Japanese patients. Its etiology still remains obscure. This entity is rarely seen in Indians. OPLL occurs after the age of 40 years and the most commonly affected region is the cervical spine, usually at C4/5, although the thoracic and lumbar regions are not exempt. The frequency of involvement diminishes as the level descends as follows: cervical 70-75%, thoracic 15-20% and lumbar 10%. The unexplained intimate relationship of OPLL with cervical spondylosis and diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH) is well known. This is post laminectomy CT scan of a case of OPLL.
Reported by Teleradiology Providers
Ossification of posterior longitudnal ligament-CT
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Monday, October 19, 2009

1 comment:
Keep the injured ligament elevated, cool it with ice and make sure to rest it for a few weeks. Compression dressings, bandages or splints are used to help rest the injured ligament.
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