Our patient is 73 yr old female presented to us with a solid lump in left breast. Craniocaudal and medio-lateral oblique views of left breast show an asymmetric nodular density in left breast with minimally iregular margins and punctate foci of microcalcifications.Small lymphnodes are seen in left axillary region.
0 Incomplete
Your mammogram or ultrasound didn't give the radiologist enough information to make a clear diagnosis; follow-up imaging is necessary
Need to review prior studies and/or complete additional imaging
1 Negative
There is nothing to comment on; routine screening recommended
Continue routine screening
2 Benign
A definite benign finding; routine screening recommended
Continue routine screening
3 Probably Benign
Findings that have a high probability of being benign (>98%); six-month short interval follow-up
Short-term mammogram follow up at 6 mths, then every 6-12 mths for 1-2 yrs
4 Suspicious Abnormality
Not characteristic of breast cancer, but reasonable probability of being malignant (3 to 94%); biopsy should be considered
Perform biopsy, preferably needle biopsy
5 Highly Suspicious of Malignancy
Lesion that has a high probability of being malignant (>= 95%); take appropriate action
Biopsy and treatment as necessary.
6 Known Biopsy Proven Malignancy
Lesions known to be malignant that are being imaged prior to definitive treatment; assure that treatment is completed
Your mammogram or ultrasound didn't give the radiologist enough information to make a clear diagnosis; follow-up imaging is necessary
Need to review prior studies and/or complete additional imaging
1 Negative
There is nothing to comment on; routine screening recommended
Continue routine screening
2 Benign
A definite benign finding; routine screening recommended
Continue routine screening
3 Probably Benign
Findings that have a high probability of being benign (>98%); six-month short interval follow-up
Short-term mammogram follow up at 6 mths, then every 6-12 mths for 1-2 yrs
4 Suspicious Abnormality
Not characteristic of breast cancer, but reasonable probability of being malignant (3 to 94%); biopsy should be considered
Perform biopsy, preferably needle biopsy
5 Highly Suspicious of Malignancy
Lesion that has a high probability of being malignant (>= 95%); take appropriate action
Biopsy and treatment as necessary.
6 Known Biopsy Proven Malignancy
Lesions known to be malignant that are being imaged prior to definitive treatment; assure that treatment is completed
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Sunday, November 01, 2009

And the mammogram shown would be... birads 4?
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