Sacral Neural Tumour-MRI

This is 26 year old man with pain in the back and leg. There is evidence of minimally enhancing lesion in the sacral canal extending at the level of S1 and S2 levels predominately towards right appearing hypointense on T1 weighted image and inhomogenously hyperintense on T2 and fat sat T2 weighted images. There is evidence of extension of the lesion via the neural canals at S1/S2 levels more towards left with some expansion of the neural canal at this level. There is mild posterior scalloping of the posterior vertebral body at S1 level, however, there is no obvious bony erosion or osseous destruction at this level. Neurgenic origin tumour is likely. Nerve sheath tumours are slow growing tumours characteristically expanding the bony canals without significant bony erosion.On MRI, they are characteristically iso-intense to muscle on T1, heterogeneously hyperintense on T2 and show minimal contrast enhancement.
Reported by- Teleradiology Providers
Sacral Neural Tumour-MRI
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

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