Fibrous Dysplasia of Temporal Bone
Fibrous dysplasia of bone is characterized by the presence of fibroosseous tissue in the interior of the affected part or parts of the bone and occurs more frequent in female patients In the head and neck, the skull and facial bones are involved in 10-25% of cases of monostotic fibrous dysplasia and in 50% of the polyostotic variety. Involvement of the temporal bone is relatively rare and three patterns are described i.e. the pagetoid, sclerotic and cystic. The pagetoid pattern is the commonest and shows both sclerotic and radiolucent areas. Sclerotic lesions are homogenously dense whereas the cystic variety is characterized by a spherical and oval lucency surrounded by a dense bony shell.
Reported by Teleradiology Providers
Fibrous Dysplasia of Temporal Bone
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

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