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Müllerian Duct Cysts and Prostatic Utricle Cysts

Although these conditions are believed to be two different entities, it is difficult to differentiate them from one another on imaging and clinical studies. Both occur in the midline. Müllerian duct cysts originate from the remnants of the müllerian duct. Prostatic utricle cysts result from the dilatation of the prostatic utricle. Müllerian duct cysts may originate from the region of the verumontanum but usually extend above the prostate and may be slightly lateral to the midline. They do not communicate with the urethra. Prostatic utricle cysts always arise from the verumontanum and are always in the midline, and they communicate with the urethra.
Müllerian Duct Cysts and Prostatic Utricle Cysts Reviewed by Sumer Sethi on Saturday, April 24, 2010 Rating: 5

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