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Can Robots Replace Radiologist in Future?

This came from a recent article on The Atlantic-   “Anything You Can Do, Robots Can Do Better”  which claims “in spite of the radiologist's training requirement of at least thirteen additional years beyond high school, it is conceptually quite easy to envision this job being automated. The primary focus of the job is to analyze and evaluate visual images. Furthermore, the parameters of each image are highly defined since they are often coming directly from a computerized scanning device”.  Although, i don’t agree and think the author has forgotten much of the medical imaging interpretation requires more than just the visual skills there is lots of brains involved, it makes interesting reading.

Do you think Robots will replace radiologists in future?

Can Robots Replace Radiologist in Future? Reviewed by Sumer Sethi on Monday, February 21, 2011 Rating: 5


Pramod.K.G said...

well, I do agree we are concerned with pattern recognition more than anyone among medical specialities..... but Radiology is not mere pattern recognition !!!!!!

Robots can do... but one should remember.... we are concerned with treating mankind... not a robot !!!!

Anonymous said...

They will definitely beat humans one day! At some (radiological) tasks they already do, see for example this article in this month's radiology:

Anonymous said...

We never thought some years back that almost everyone will be carrying a "telephone" in the pocket and will be able to talk from where ever possible ,with who ever possible.With each advance in technology and fine tuning of softwares to identify and evaluate pathologies on screen ,doesnt seem like a fantasy at all.So I think there's a possibility . But of course ,,we radiologists will eventually get engaged in some other activities .So things will change ,because thats what , is always constant.

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