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Bone Island

Definition: mature compact bone(cortical) within the cancellous(spongy) bone

Etiology: some call it hamartoma, but usually congenital or developmental with failure to resorb during endochondral ossification
Prevalence: prefers pelvis and all long bones with occasional one in spine and others
Asymptomatic and incidentaloma on X-ray
Xray- Homogenously dense sclerotic opacity within medullary region with distinct radiating streaks merging with normal host trabecular pattern giving Thorny Radiation appearance
CT and MRI- Relatively Lower attenuation compared to cortical density (usually) with MRI homogenously low signal on all pulse sequences
Radionuclide scan –classically COLD and is used as gold standard. However occasionally active in which case morphology on other modalities an clinical relevance would help

This is 80 yr old with non specific pain likely to represent enostosis and needs no further workup. Case and discussion by Dr MGK Murthy.

Bone Island Reviewed by Sumer Sethi on Wednesday, April 13, 2011 Rating: 5

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