Avulsion Injury-Plain Film
An adolescent with athletic injury shows bony avulsion of anterior superior iliac spine –avulsion fracture. Most benign of bony injuries generally. Heals with conservative management in 4-6 weeks. Case submitted by Dr MGK Murthy
Teaching points
- Avulsion fractures are common in appendicular skeleton with most occurring in the growing age due to athletic activity, and immature bony skeleton.
- Anterior superior iliac spine- gives origin to Sartorius and tensor fascia lata.
- Anterior inferior iliac spine (just below the Superior spine)has two parts, upper gives origin to – origin to straight head of rectus femoris and lower part give attachment to iliofemoral ligament and reaches to form the acetabular margin.
- Ischial tuberosity- gives origin to hamstrings(Biceps femoris, semitendinosis and semimembranosis)
- Greater tuberosity-attachement to hip rotators(piriformis, gemellus superior and inferior, obturator internus and externus , quadrates femoris)
- Lesser tuberosity-to iliopsoas
Avulsion Injury-Plain Film
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Monday, May 23, 2011

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