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Pericardial fat and Coronary atherosclerosis-MRI

According to an article Published online before print August 16, 2011, doi:10.1148/radiol.11110346, Pericardial fat volume, rather than BMI and waist circumference, was more strongly related to plaque eccentricity as a measure of coronary atherosclerotic plaque burden. The results support the proposed role of pericardial fat in association with atherosclerosis. The coronary artery eccentricity (ratio of maximal to minimal coronary artery wall thickness) was determined by using magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and served as an index of plaque burden. The pericardial fat volume was determined by using computed tomography. 

Pericardial fat and Coronary atherosclerosis-MRI Reviewed by Sumer Sethi on Monday, August 22, 2011 Rating: 5


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pers regs

Sumer Sethi said...

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