Pulmonary Angiography- Beautiful 128 Slice CT images
An elderly male with clinically possible pulmonary embolism with wells score of 6.0, undergoes Perfusion scan in nuclear medicine which suspects underperfused apices possibly thrombotic . MDCT angio with 128 slices machine, shows attenuated and patent upper lobar arteries due to large bullous disease on account of COPD and that explains clinical breathlessness with MPA and the main branches completely patent. Case submitted by Dr MGK Murthy and Mr Shekhar (CT technologist)
Teaching points :
· Definition of Pulmonary embolism= Blockage of MPA or one of its branches
· Incidence increases with age and reaches about 300 cases per 100,000 population/yr in western world by 8th decade
· Mortality in untreated reaches about 30% even today
· D-Dimer test( a protein fragment found in blood after blood clot is degraded by thrombolysis)can practically rule out thrombus if negative
· Nuclear medicine role is reducing nowadays with increased number of false positives due to interlobar fissure, COPD, pneumonia, and atelectasis
· MDCT angio with specific acquisition of images before the contrast reaches aorta(as in our case ), by placing the bolus chase in Right ventricle , highly specific and sensitive even in segmental branches
· Radiation doses have significantly decreased over time with average of 23-119 CXR equivalent , depending on the No of slices machine and body habitus deciding the factors
· False negative of MDCT is usually due to septic emboli(peripherally) and subsegmental defects
Pulmonary Angiography- Beautiful 128 Slice CT images
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Sunday, August 07, 2011

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