Acute Cerebellitis-is it infectious or post infectious?
12 yr old boy had febrile episode of 5 days before developing seizures, and ataxia with altered sensorium and shows on MRI, an ill defined possibly” C “shaped , subtly enhancing fluid signal intensity on all pulse sequences , of predominantly white matter regions of posterior fossa, with more of vasogenic rather than cytotoxic oedema , mass effect on 4th ventricle, leading to proximal hydrocephalus and no bleed- picture suggestive of post infectious BRPINDs (Benign Regressive Post Infectious Neurological Disorders)
Teaching points by Dr MGK Murthy. Contributors- Mr Hamid and Mr Gupta
1. Infectious edema can be diagnosed by (a) short duration ,(b) gray matter as site of involvement,(c) decreased mental status and (d) abnormal CSF, with post infectious exhibiting opposites of these characteristics
2. “C” shape is apparently on account of myelinating axons separating the areas of edema
3. Post infectious demyelinating oedema is possible
4. BRPINDs usually exhibit good prognosis with no residual disabilities
5. These can be of ADEM variety where brain and cord are involved, or neuromyelitis optica where only optic nerves and cord are involved or only cerebellar variety (as in this case)
6. MRI is usually diagnostic with CSF playing complementary role
Acute Cerebellitis-is it infectious or post infectious?
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Monday, September 26, 2011

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