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What do we dislike most about the Examiners in Radiology in India?

ü  When he says – we are here to help you.
ü  When he says-  by failing you I am helping you.
ü  When he says- most of these youngsters don’t deserve to pass.
ü  When he says- did you ever see x-rays in your residency?
ü  When he says- standard of this exam is maintained by the poor passing percentage (guess which exam is this?)
ü  When he says I am giving you a hint and you cannot see it!
ü  When he says I am being very lenient with you, try once more
ü  When he says he is getting late for his flight/train back home.
ü   When he says-even if you don’t know the diagnosis, give a broad differential, which organ do you think is abnormal- suddenly you feel you have got it all wrong so far.
ü  When he says- ok even if you don’t know much about this just tell me this basic concept about this procedure (interventions!!)
ü  When he says- I understand this modality is not available in your parent institute but you must have read about this in your books.
ü  When he says-to the  other examiner, see I told you this guy doesn’t know radiology
ü  When he says-to the other examiner, remember last time we passed only 3/10 candidates

Time to make our exam systems more HUMAN.

-One suggestion for exams is –Instead of examiner bringing cases from his collection lets have third party bringing cases which examiner and candidate are both evaluating together and even if the candidate gets it all wrong but his findings are comparable to the examiner, he still passes. To me passing should not mean diagnosing a weird case but having similar approach to practicing radiologists. And by having a third party case, we make examiners also blinded to bias which comes with knowing the correct diagnosis before hand.  Alll thoughts, comments and suggestions are welcome.

What do we dislike most about the Examiners in Radiology in India? Reviewed by Sumer Sethi on Friday, October 14, 2011 Rating: 5


Cat said...

This is people who forget how they felt when they were young and being examined. I guess it's the same all over the world. Too sad. I don't think we can do much about it except for doing it better ourselves as soon as it's our turn to train students / residents or holding exams.

Aashu said...

Hahaha............Loved it sir! The suggestion in the end is truly fantastic :) "Double Blinding" must be the most ideal approach!! :)

MGK Murthy said...

Believe me the trick is , make everyday schedule of yours is Exam and make Exam everyday schedule ---Open mouth everyday , without bothering what your colleagues think if it is wrong or stupid ...learn to perform under stress by creating stress in daily diagnosis ==how/==Read sumers blog, ha

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