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Radiology Resident Club on Facebook

Well, to call me a child of web 2.0 will not be an understatement. I have been blogging & tweeting  for last so many years. But somehow I have been using facebook as more of a personal social media. And I have been playing with idea of a resident learning module on facebook for sometime now but was resisting it on various pretexts such as lack of time, too much social  media blah blah and blah. Then something unexpected happened, my mom, who has never touched a computer in her life, few days back asked me “what is this facebook” , and I was shell shocked. She has never asked about emails while I believed they were big as well, messengers or even orkut. Why suddenly facebook? All of sudden I realized if I have to take my elearning  initiative alive which I had build over the years , it had to take facebook along.  Facebook no longer can be ignored.

Initially I started off with a page of my  Teleradiology company on facebook, but was missing something. It had to become a dialogue from a monologue. Hence this concept of Radiology Resident Club. Where we share exam cases, MCQs, tips and tricks from the masters, and anything which would mean something for the radiology resident. It clicked, day 1 we have 100 odd residents already on it.

Lets see what heights we can take it to and take our zeal of web 2.0 principle which is essentially sharing to another level. If you are radiology enthusiast or resident, feel free to join.
Radiology Resident Club on Facebook Reviewed by Sumer Sethi on Friday, January 06, 2012 Rating: 5

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