Whirlpool Sign-Ultrasound
This was a case of a 6 days old boy who had continuous vomiting most of the time bilious in nature. He was sent to rule out hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (HPS). Case submitted by : Dr Prashant Gupta and Dr Himani Agarwal, Consultant Radiologists.
The first image shows a normal pylorus (measurements not shown)
The second and 3rd images reveal a "whirlpool" appearance of mesenteric root with mesenteric vessels twisted around it. Also note the "beak" like termination of the Duodenum as it crosses the midline. These findings suggest a midgut volvulus that has a similar presentation to HPS.
Whirlpool Sign-Ultrasound
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Thursday, February 16, 2012

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