RAPUNZEL SYNDROME – An ultrasound diagnosis
large & long intestinal Trichobezoar causing intussusception like bowel
mass & obstruction”
presented by-
Tailor [ MD Radiology ]
Bahety [M Ch pediatric surgery ]
[ Rajasthan]
Rapunzel syndrome is a trichobezoar with a long tail extending from the stomach
to small bowel . To our knowledge , this
is a very rare & uncommon case in a male child [ as most of the reported
cases of Rapunzel syndromes in pediatric age were females ] in which the
trichobezoar has passed from stomach into jejunam , & caused bowel mass
& obstruction involving the entire bowel upto sigmoid colon . Ultrasound revealed a large , elongated ,
curved multilayedred bowel mass[appearing like that of intussusception]
encasing thick central echogenicity [ the trichobezor & its tail ] .Hence this
should be suspected in the appropriate clinical & imaging circumstances.
-Trichobezoars are
usually asymptomatic until they reach a large size .
-The Rapunzel syndrome
[ a trichobezoar with a long tail extending from the stomach to the small bowel
] is a rare cause of intussusceptions & obstruction.
Case Details-
A 6 yrs
old boy having h/o chronic pain abdomen
, presented with acute pain abdomen ,vomiting &
distension , was asked for
abdominal sonography . His laboratory tests were noncontributory , and abdominal radiograph revealed few air fluid
USG abdomen
showed a large elongated multilayered bowel mass [ like
intussusception] occupying most of the left side abdomen and extending in pelvis with
few dilated small bowel loops & mild ascites . The bowel mass was typically
simulating intussusception & showing long curved course , with a long
intraluminal/central echodense area[suspected trichobezoar ] within it. The
proximal part of the central echodense area
was a bit large [the trichobezoar ] , &
rest appeared thin & long extending in entirety of bowel mass[tail
of bezoar ] . Color Doppler scan
revealed mural vascularity within mass , indicating adequate bowel perfusion .
In light of USG findings probable diagnosis of intussusception like bowel mass
,may be due to intraluminal elongated
bezoar , with mild obstruction & ascites was made.[ see US images ] Further evaluation by CT scan was suggested.
Operative details – Pt. was taken for urgent surgery to avoid
impending gut gangrene & perforation. A large & elongated trichobezoar
, found within lumen from jejunum to proximal sigmoid colon colon , making clustered
redundant looped obstructed bowel mass , was removed successfully with
appropriate surgical steps . The proximal large part of trichobezoar was ,of stomach
shape & crossed pyloric canal ,seen lodged in proximal jejunum . The rest
thin elongated bazoar tail was extending
in rest of the redundant clustered bowel
loops to reach upto sigmoid colon [ see per op.photos ].
1- Large intraluminal echodensity in left upper abdomen ,representing proximal
part of bezoar in jejunum
2 –Large elongated multilayered bowel
mass [like intussusception] in left side abdomen extending into pelvis, containing long
central echodensity - consistent with trichobezoar tail
3 – Multilayered bowel mass with mural vasculature present on doppler
4 – Per op. photograph showing large
proximal part of bazoar in jejunum
5 –Per operative trichobezoar removal in progress
RAPUNZEL SYNDROME – An ultrasound diagnosis
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

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