pseudoaneurysm, or false aneurysm is a confined collection of thrombus and
blood adjacent to an artery with disruption of one or more layers of it .
Pseudoaneurysm differ from true aneurysm in that the latter contain all three
histologic layers of the arterial wall, whereas pseudoaneurysm contain less
than three and often none of these layers and contained by only compressed
fibrous tissue. The pseudoaneuyrsm lumen is connected to the underlying
native artery by a cylindrical neck-variable
in length and diameter , & shows typical blood flow in it .
Pseudoaneurysm can be a complication of arterial trauma ,including arterial puncture during a diagnostic angiography or
interventional procedures. Both True
& pseudo aneurysms forms pulsatile masses, as former is truly pulsatile ,& later can
only feebly shares the pulsations of native artery .
with color Doppler is the imaging
modality of choice for this diagnosis ,
& here we present a case of pseudoaneurysm of ulnar artery following trauma
with classical findings on color Doppler sonography .
Contributed by: Dr.
Subhash Tailor, Dr. Gopal Dhakar, Radiologists, Bhilwara [Rajasthan ], India.
Case History: A
30 years old was referred for evaluation of swelling in right
forearm following a
Findings: The study was
done on GE VOLUSON 730PRO color Doppler with
10 MHz high frequency linear
probe. Gray scale sonogram showed a large thick walled complex pulsatile cystic mass with
mobile internal echoes adjacent to right
ulnar artery ( Fig 1). Color Doppler image of the same lesion showed color flow
signals within it with swirling pattern, suggestive of a vascular mass,
probably pseudoaneurysm. An eccentric area of focal aliasing noted near ulnar
artery through which blood is seen gushing in and out, s/o neck of pseudoaneurysm which is arising from the right
ulnar artery proximal to wrist (Fig 2).
Turbulent flow was well demonstrated in pseudoaneurysm with the classic "ying-yang"
appearance on color flow imaging (Fig 2, 3). Spectral Doppler sampling from the pseudoaneurysm neck showed the
characteristic to-and-fro blood flow pattern( Fig 4). On the
basis H/O trauma , USG B-mode , color & spectral Doppler findings the
diagnosis of Post traumatic pseudoaneurysm of right ulnar artery suggested , which was later confirmed by angiography .
Discussion & review of literature
definitive diagnosis of pseudoaneurysm requires detection of the neck
the pseudoaneurysm with the injured artery, and identification
this neck of the pathognomonic``to and fro'' spectral waveform pattern (Fig-4).
To-and-fro flow occurs in the neck of a pseudoaneurysm due to changing
pressures: at the high intraluminal pressure during systole, blood flows
through the narrow neck into the aneurysm at a rather high velocity. Under the
reversed pressure conditions during diastole, the blood flows back into the
artery at a slightly lower flow rate. Reflux is typically turbulent ( Fig 2). The
characteristic appearance of pseudoaneurysm in triplex ultrasound (B-mode
combined with color and pulsed Doppler spectral analysis) include the presence
of a hematoma of variable echogenicity, which may represent separate episodes
of bleeding and rebleeding, expansile pulsatility and detection of turbulent
flow (``yin-yang'' appearance) within the mass(Fig-3).
false aneurysm must be differentiated from a perivascular hematoma with
transmitted pulsation, but this is difficult on clinical grounds Using duplex ultrasound,an aneurysm can be
differentiated from hypoechoic,
structures such as lymphnode, hematoma, seroma, or lymphocele by the depiction
of to-and-fro flow, which is diagnostic of a pseudoaneurysm and requires
no angiographic confirmation.
objective of doppler imaging is to differentiate between hematomas associated
with pseudoaneurysm and those that are not. Whereas hematomas resolve
spontaneously, a pseudoaneurysm can potentially rupture and therefore must be
identified, closely monitored and in most instances treated.
ultrasound enabled the precise localization of the aneurysmal neck relative to
the skin surface, the treatment of choice was surgical closure. With advances
in ultrasound equipment, it is now possible to occlude over 90% aneurysms by compression of the neck using color duplex
imaging guidance.
occurs after 10–30 min of compression with success rates of 70–90% have been
reported for ultrasound guided compression of pseudoaneurysm in literature ,
compared with 95–100% for induction of thrombosis by sonographically guided
thrombin injection into the aneurysmal sac .
to conclude color Doppler US is cost
effective and reliable imaging modality to diagnose pseudoaneurysms, and can
also be utilized for guided compression and thrombin therapy.
Fig 1- Gray scale imaging showing complex cystic pulsatile mass in forearm along ulnar artery
with mobile internal echos in realtime
Color doppler imaging showing color signals within cyst & aliasing at the neck of pseudoaneurysm due to turbulent blood flow.
3- Color flow imaging showing characteristic “yin-yang” sign due to swirling
pattern of blood flow. The red and blue color flow signals due to inflow and
outflow turn of blood respectively
via neck of pseudoaneurysm.
4- Duplex spectral waveform sampling in the ulnar artery pseudoaneurysm
neck demonstrating characteristic
to-and-fro blood flow.
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Thursday, May 17, 2012

1 comment:
it is wonderful effort at enhancing the knowledge hub
One request is in todays fast paced world , Briefness and Abstracting along with carry home msgs would be most appropriate
Thx for the wonderful presentation and congratulations once again
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