Variant course of the vertebral artery
We present a 69 year
old female with dizziness. During the evaluation of the carotid we did not
found the vertebral artery in the transverse foramina in the middle of the
neck. However an artery was traveling side by side with carotid, in the level of
the mandible this artery turns and
enters the intraspinal foramen.
Image Vas:
The right vertebral artery follows a parallel course side by side with the common carotid artery .
Image Va turn:
At the level of the
mandible the VA turns and enters the transverse
Image U l ob:
RIGHT oblique view: The
lower segment, thefirst part, of the
vertebral artery
LEFT transverse view: The
upper segment of the extraspinal vertebral artery before to enter the transverse foramen.
RIGHT transverse
view: The extraspinal vertebral artery before to enter
the transverse foramen and the common carotid artery .
LEFT transverse
view: the
bifurcation of the common carotid artery .
Discussion by Dr Nikos Vougiouklis
The vertebral arteries
may present in a number of variant positions. The presence of a vertebral
variant must be considered in patients in whom the normal position of the
vertebral artery cannot be detected. The vertebral arteries
enter the 6th cervical foramen in most cases.
In cases in which the vertebral artery
enters of the higher vertebral foramina,
the artery may lie directly behind the common carotid artery. In a study by Bergman
et al based on 693 laboratory specimens, dual or accessory vertebral arteries
were encountered in 5 of 693 specimens, and all were left-sided.
- Koenigsberg RA, Peereira L, Nair B, et al. Unusual vertebral artery origins: examples and related pathology. Catheter CardiovascInterv 2003;59:244–5
- Bergman RA, et al. Opus II: cardiovascular system vertebral artery variations. In: Bergman RA, Afifi AF, Miyauchi R, eds. Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation.
Variant course of the vertebral artery
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Friday, May 25, 2012

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