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Choroid Plexus Xantogranulomata-MRI

63 year old lady with giddiness shows : A restriced diffusion focus in the body of left lateral ventricle  with reduced ADC and no blooming on SWI or displacement - Not specific  to etiology. However in view of unilaterality, age acute infarction of the  choroid plexus is possible.

Teaching Points by Dr MGK Murthy

Acute infarctions of the choroid plexus is uncommon.

Restricted diffusion foci within the lateral ventricular systems suggest D/D of Choroid plexus cyst / Parasitic cyst / Uncommon tumours like Papiloma / Hemorrhage / Xanthogranulomata.

Depanding on the lipid / fluid / blood contents, appearance of the focal lesions could very from frank CSF signal on all sequences to only restricted diffusion with or without T2 shine through.

Xanthogranulomata are completely asymptomatic and incidental & are usually found in elderly age.

Acute infarction could be differentiated by unilaterality, reduced ADC value & change of appearance after 3 weeks apart from possible MRA abnormalities.

CT suggest most of these lesions as isodense. The size is usually less than 1 cm.
Choroid Plexus Xantogranulomata-MRI Reviewed by Sumer Sethi on Sunday, June 10, 2012 Rating: 5

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