Endometrial Hyperplasia Versus Endometrial Cancer
29 yr old married
nulliparous who has had D& C done 3 times that showed atypical hyperplasia
of the endometrium. Ultrasound was done by the gynecologist and she queried a
myoma. MRI was requested to rule out carcinoma endometrium with myometrial
In this patient entire
endometrial cavity appears replaced by mixed signal intensity area which shows
imhomogenous post gadolinium enhancement and non-enhancing areas, which are
likely indicating endometrial hyerplasia with doubtful loss of interface with
the myometrium in the posterolateral part. Uterus per se is enlarged. This
thickened endometrium shows areas of high signal on DWI image provided but
there is no corresponding signal suppression on ADC map, which may indicate T2
shine through. Low signal on ADC map in endometrium is usually the sign for
differentiating hyperplasia from malignancy, which is not seen in this case.
So, finally this case likely indicates extensive endometrial hyperplasia with
no low signal on ADC map, and doubtful loss of interface in the posterolateral
endo-myometrial junction. Clinical and histological correlation will help.
Endometrial Hyperplasia Versus Endometrial Cancer
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Sunday, June 03, 2012

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