Gluteus Medius-The Neglected One-MRI
53 yr old
lady with chronic pain right hip region with no trauma, shows
ill-defined ,irregular , edematous foci
in the tendon insertion region of
greater tuberosity, with possible fatty
degeneration of muscle belly and no avulsion fracture. Gluteus minimus also
shows similar features suggesting
strain of glutei possibly responsible.
points by Dr MGK Murthy.
- Gluteus medius originates from outer surface of ilium and gluteal aponeurosis and inserts on to oblique ridge on the lateral surface of greater trochanter. A bursa separates the tendon from the surface of the trochanter, over which it glides for various functions. When the leg is straight it abducts , when the hip is flexed internally rotates, when the hip is extended externally rotates, all functions aided by minimus .
- Dysfunction of medius is best identified by positive Trendelenburg test. Common cause( up to 46% in some series) of chronic backache, buttock pain radiating to thigh
- Muscle strain versus tendinopathy versus partial or complete tears are a spectrum that needs to be analyzed on imaging. X- ray may play role in identifying the bony abnormalities including spurring and chips or calcifications. USG is helpful particularly in cases of bursal evaluation and as initial assessor of the dysfunction. MRI is the gold standard for evaluating both medius and minimus , with regards to size of belly, musculotendinous junction, tendinous insertion, marrow abnormality of trochanter, soft tissue abnormality, associated findings in hip joint .
Gluteus Medius-The Neglected One-MRI
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Thursday, September 27, 2012

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