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Radiology News


Causes of Medical Malpractice Suits against Radiologists

In an article February 2013 Radiology, 266, 548-554 by Jeremy S Whang et al, authors have determined the most frequent causes of malpractice suits as derived from credentialing data of 8401 radiologists. According to them
  1. Errors in diagnosis are, by far, the most common generic cause of malpractice suits against radiologists.
  2.  In this category, breast cancer was the most frequently missed diagnosis, followed by nonvertebral fractures and spinal fractures. 
  3. Failure to communicate and failure to recommend additional testing are both uncommon reasons for initiating a suit.
Causes of Medical Malpractice Suits against Radiologists Reviewed by Sumer Sethi on Tuesday, January 29, 2013 Rating: 5

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Doctors should take their job more seriously to avoid complications. Medical malpractice lawsuits does not only affect the victim's family but also the government because of the money that they have to cover for the damages.

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