Rasmussen’s encephalitis-MRI
7 Year old
male child with history of chronic epilepsy of few months duration with history
of hospitalization for Brain inflammation previously. MRI shows right
hemispheric volume loss with atrophy with areas of encephalomalacia-gliosis with
ipsilateral ventriculomegaly with normal ICA & MCA flow voids and normal calvarium, sinuses, sphenoid wing & orbital roof possibly representing Rasmussen’s
points by Dr MGK Murthy, Mr Umamaheswar, Dr sreenivas metta, Mr Hameed
- This is chronic inflammation of the Brain with
infiltration of T Lymphocytes affecting only one cerebral hemisphere leading
to atrophy and seizures. Cause not known. Viral etiology or autoimmune
theory possible.
- Presence of autoantibodies as against the NMDA type
glutamate receptor subunit is recent finding. It is associated with neurovisceral porphyria or acute
intermittent porphyria or ADEM.
- Affects children with average age 6 years. Prodromal
stage of few months is followed by acute stage ( 4 to 8 months) leading to
atrophy with focal motor seizures or epilepsia partialis continuae.
- MRI shows hemispheric atrophy with normal flow voids
and calvarium.
- Differential diagnosis includes Dyke- Davidoff-masson
syndrome ( calvarial asymmetry, elevation of petrous ridge, sphenoid
wing and orbital roof with
hypoplasia of the anterior& middle cranial fossae, frontal sinus
hyperpneumatization with displaced falx ), sturge weber syndrome ( calcification and telangiectasia ), hemimegalencephaly(
hypertrophy including the calvarium ).
Rasmussen’s encephalitis-MRI
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

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