7 months
baby diagnosed as retinoblastoma on MRI shows T1 hyperintensity , T2 low signal with regions of low signals on all sequences ( calcium) & multicentricity or bilaterality with subretinal fluid and intense and heterogenous enhancement
including in the anterior eye segment / choroidal involvement / extension along
the optic nerve on the right. There is no intracranial extension / no pineal
region SOL with ‘J’ shaped sella.
points by Dr MGK Murthy, Mr Venkat, Mr Abdul Hamid:
1. Retinoblastoma
is a most common pediatric intra ocular neoplasm.
2. MRI plays
a role in differentiating from leukocoria.
3. Multicentric
origin / anterior eye enhancement / choroidal involvement / subretinal fluid /
scleral / extrascleral involvement / extension along the optic nerves /
intracranial extension are well demonstrated on MR.
4. It also
helps to exclude trilaterality in the pineal region and also exclude associated
5. MR has a
role in studying of implants post enucleation including fibrovascular growth.
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Wednesday, March 06, 2013

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