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OBOW Exams in Medical Universities in India

It may take ages to reach to this point in India, but if i was ever made an examiner in a Radiology exam, i would rather look to pass a candidate with more day to day skills than the one who has mugged up all the data.  The kind of exam i would to conduct would be an Open Book, Open Web format, which would be more in line with our actual day to practise. Candidate i believe should have fair search skills and should know where to look for. Of course time limits should be strict so that the radiologists understand the value of turn around times and more marks would on the reporting language and formats rather than mugged up values.  You are free to search the internet, read the books and come to conclusion in specified TAT for that case and give justification to your final conclusion. To me this would be an exam which will more reflect the radiology practise in the current decade, in contrast to current theory (mugged up) and practical exams conducted in our country where candidates are asked to keep phones, computers and books outside. While in real world problem solving he would have all these with him for ready reference, surely i feel "open web" exams are more reflective of real world. 
OBOW Exams in Medical Universities in India Reviewed by Sumer Sethi on Monday, May 20, 2013 Rating: 5

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