Persistent Hyperplastic Primary Vitreous : Case Report
Introduction :
PHPV is a pathologic entity resulting from abnormal persistence of the fetal fibrovascular primitive stroma i.e hyaloid system of the eye, which should disappear by the time of birth. The primary vitreous forms around the seventh week of life and begins involuting by 20 weeks. Persistence and hypertrophy of these vessels can result in PHPV in the anterior and/or posterior chambers. It can give rise to leukocoria, retinal detachment and subretinal hemorrhage. Submitted by Dr Anand Shrikant Gajakos, Consultant Radiologist , Solapur
Case Report :
A male child of 10 years, non-consanguineous parents, presented with right sided small eye since last 8 years. Neurological examination showed leukocoria and absent vision of the right eye. B Scan examination of the bilateral eye was done. Left eye was normal clinically and on Ultrasound imaging..
Anterior chamber of the right eye was shallow due to anterior displacement of the lens. An echogenic tubular structure extending from the retrolental area upto the optic disc representing a persistent hyaloid canal containing hyaloid artery was noted. Complete retinal detachment. Doppler flow examination of the hyaloid artery shows a continous low resistance biphasic forward flow.
The above mentioned findings in the right eyeball were consistent with persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous .
References :
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Persistent Hyperplastic Primary Vitreous : Case Report
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

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