Torsion of testicular appendix ……an Ultrasound & Color Doppler Diagnosis
A boy of 6 years of age presented clinically with acute painful ,red
& swollen left hemiscrotum . USG with color doppler was performed , which showed
- a well defined echogenic spherical lesion of about 7.5 x 4 x
5 mm size near upper pole of left testis adjacent to head of epididymis. The
lesion was extratesticular & extraepididymal , and seen lodged between
testis upper pole & epididymal head, with no internal vascularity on power doppler.
Mild adjacent epididymal & periappendiceal soft tissue hyperemia noted ,
otherwise testis and epididymis appeared normally . No significant hydrocele
noted . On the basis of ultrasound and
color doppler findings the diagnosis of torsion of testicular appendix was made
, which was confirmed peroperatively . By- Dr. Subhash Tailor, MD, Bhilwara [Rajasthan, India]
Fig.1- TS left hemiscrotum shows a well
defined rounded echogenic lesion between upper pole left testis and epididymal
head with mild adjacent epidiymal hyperemia .
Fig. 2 – TS and LS scan left hemiscrotum shows torsed
appendix lesion [ AP , arrow ] and mild epididymal head hyperemia
Fig. 3 – Per operative photograph shows the torsed appendix
of testis [ operative photograph : courtsey – Dr. Gaurav Bahety , M.S. , M.CH.
, Pediatric surgeon , Bhilwara , India ]
1] Appendix of testis is also known as “Hydatid of
Morgagni”, & is remnant of paramesonephric duct. It is attached to upper
pole of testis in the groove between head of epididymis and testis.
2] The condition is common in pediatric age group.
2. Clinically present with pain ,erythema & swelling of
ipsilateral hemiscrotum . Occasionally ‘Blue Dot Sign’ seen on overlying
scrotal wall.
3]Normal appendix of testis is small oval/elongated
structure measuring 3 to 5 mm with echotexture like testis. It is well seen
when hydrocele is present & occasionally low flow signal detected in it on
4] A torsed testicular appendix is usually hyperechoic or
mixechogenic or rarely iso to hypoechoic , & spherical in shape ,measuring more than 5.6mm in size. It is avascular on color Doppler, however mild adjacent
periappendiceal soft tissue [epididymo-orcheal] hyperemia noted. Mild hydrocele
may or may not be present. Rarely a free or isolated echogenic nodule present in hemiscrotal cavity also
suggests torsed & detached appendix.
5] Torsion of appendix of epididymis is rare , & has a
long stalk with its location posterolateral to testis,where as testicular
appendix is superomedial in location.
6] Treatment options are surgical & conservative
methods depending on clinicopathological complexities.
1. Baldisserotto et al, Color Doppler Sonography Of Normal
& Torsed Testicular Appendages In Children . AJR 2005,184,1287-1292.
2] Yang at al,Torsed Appendix Testis, J Ultrasound Med
2005, 24:87-91
Torsion of testicular appendix ……an Ultrasound & Color Doppler Diagnosis
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Friday, June 21, 2013

1 comment:
Nice case and great demo Dr.Subhash !
Why was he operated ? Whats the use of making such a wonderful diagnosis?
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