Asherman syndrome-HSG
A 25 year old lady being investigated for infertility with history of previous D&C.
The HSG shows grossly reduced capacity of the uterus with incapability to
inject more than 10 cc contrast with no evidence of reflux. In addition it
shows multiple mixed opacities with longitudinal radio lucencies interspersed
with opacities, along with beaded and tortuous tubular component on the
right possibly representing the right
tube. The left tube has not been visualized. There is no peritoneal spill. The
features suggest adhesions and fibrotic endometrium, representing Asherman
syndrome. Case submitted by Dr MGK
Murthy, Dr Srujana & Mr Venkat.
Teaching points :
Also known as Fritsch’s syndrome / uterine
synechiae. Occasionally normal longitudinal uterine folds can mimic the
Incapable of contrast injection beyond 10 cc is
typical. Usually follows aborted pregnancy with associated D&C. Trauma to
the basal layer of endometrium is considered as responsible factor, including
after miscarriages. The longer miscarriage stays in the uterus, more is the
possibility of adhesions.
Obliterating of the uterine canal is obvious on
HSG. Associated with Mullerian anomalies. Infertility is highly possible
following development of synechiae.
is usually attempted with adhesiolysis with micro scissors. Electrocautery
is usually contraindicated.
Asherman syndrome-HSG
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

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