Dequervain’s Tenosynovitis-MRI
45 year old male with work place related repetitive stress
of the wrist movement with ulnar deviation complaints of pain along the first
dorsal extensor compartment and thumb with painful thumb abduction. MR shows
free fluid along APL and EPB tendons with thickening of the APL with edema of
the soft tissues in the vicinity with subtle cortical asymmetry of the lower
radius on x-ray, suggesting Dequervain’s tenosynovitis. Case Submitted by Dr
MGK Murthy, Mr Hari, Mr Charles
Teaching points:
§ Abductor
pollicis longus (APL) and extensor pollicis breves (EPB) tendons pass through
the fibroosseous canal created by extensor retinaculum and lower radius at the
wrist joint.
§ Repetitive
ulnar deviating abduction movement stress of the thumb as it occurs in work
place activities or carrying of the baby,
atheletes , golf or racquet
sports etc could produces tenosynovitis of this kind. More common in females.
§ Finkelstein’s
test clinically (ulnar deviation of the wrist with fist closed with flexion of
the thumb) produces diagnostic pain.
§ X-ray
could suggests periosteal or osteophyte response of the radius. Ultrasound
could differentiate from intersection syndrome (usually occurs more proximally
in the forearm). MR is usually diagnostic with presence of free fluid along the
tendons and thickening of the tendons.
Dequervain’s Tenosynovitis-MRI
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

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