Morquio's Disease-CT Spine.
Young patient with quadriparesis and known case of morquios disease. Mild straightening of cervical spine curvature along with kyphotic deformity in cervicodorsal junction. Neck appears short. Evidence of multiple cervicodorsal vertebral bodies showing platyspondyly along with central anterior beaking and T1/T2 anterolisthesis. Non-visualized C1 vertebra posterior arch possible fusion with the occipital arch along fusion of the posterolateral elements of C1-C4. Anterior arch of the atlas is ossified. There is ossification of odontoid peg. Os odontoneum is noted as fracture of odontoid from body. C4-C5 disc space is increased.
These findings are consistent with morquios disease with platyspondyly, anterior beaking and kyphotic deformity, along with upper cervical fusion and os odontoideum. MRI cervical spine is advised to look for spinal cord intregity and dynamic views for stability.
Usually described Spinal CT findings:
- platyspondyly
- hypoplasia of odontoid peg
- atlanto axial subluxation
- os odontoideum
- anterior central vertebral body beaking
- round vertebral bodies
Morquio's Disease-CT Spine.
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

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