Team Building and Success
You work hard to reach the next level in work but when you get there, you get trapped in that zone with preconceived notions of workflow and petty issues which appear as insurmountable mountains. If you don't rise to the occasion you get tied down at that level forever. People who do really well are people who keep moving to the next levels by clearing the dogmas and breaking free of preconceived notions, and work by delegating and team building.
Most people do well to certain level then they get tied down and overcrowded. Become prisoners of the house they had created. Their insecurity doesn't allow them to trust people and they get stuck. Way to rise higher is paradoxical and most important factor that defines superlative success is team building. Business is like the game "temple run" - you have to keep running forward or you are captured.
Team Building and Success
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Thursday, September 11, 2014

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