Adductor Longus Avulsion-MRI
Case details: Football player with thigh pain shows fluid filled gap between the right adductor longus and pubic symphysis with retracted adductor longus belly. Fluid and edema signals are noted at the anterior margin of the right side of the symphysis pubis, with disruption of the aponeurosis. These findings are suggestive of avulsion injury to the adductor longus from pubis with distal retraction of muscle belly.
Anatomy Learning Point: The adductor longus has tendinous and muscular attachments to the pubis, with the tendinous portion more superficial. The attachment site is immediately lateral to the symphysis and inferior to a bony ridge on the superior aspect of the pubis. The rectus abdominis attaches to the superior aspect of this bony ridge. The fibers of the proximal tendon of the adductor longus blend with fibers from the rectus abdominis tendon, a common aponeurosis that covers the anterior aspect of the symphysis pubis and the capsule and disc of the symphysis pubis.The distal attachment of the adductor longus is on the linea aspera of the femur.
Adductor Longus Avulsion-MRI
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Monday, March 30, 2015

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