Post traumatic hydrocephalus-CT
32 year male after head injuy 6months has progressive neurological decline and CT shows craniectomy defect in left temporal bone. There is evidence of post operative gliosis in the left temporal lobe with ex vauo dilatation of left temporal horn. Basal cisterns & sulci are effaced. There is dilatation of the ventricular system with periventricular hypodensity possible post traumatic hydrocephalus.
Teaching Points:
- Post traumatic hydrocephalus is complication that follows a traumatic brain injury.
- Clinical Presentation: Post traumatic hydrocephalus in acute cases may present with coma and other focal neurologic deficits. If chronic, patients may demonstrate a gradual decline in functional status or may show a failure to improve
- PTH may result from combination of two processes of CSF overproduction and CSF flow blockade, or insufficient absorption.
Post traumatic hydrocephalus-CT
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Thursday, March 26, 2015

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