Putting yourselves in other's shoes
Same questions seem to have different answers when they apply to us or to others. When it comes to others’ lives everyone seems to know what is to be done. But when it comes to our own lives same questions appear clouded and lines between right and wrong appears blurred. We all tend to go into judgmental phase when situation is about others. But, when you are supposed to take a call on your own self, it is a different ball game altogether.
We all have a perception about ourselves, which is part “factual” and part “make belief” by which we round off rough edges of our own self image to create a perfect self image and we judge others with respect to this “perfect” image of ours.
There is no such thing as perfect “human”.
We all judge people and their circumstances based on our own self image and experiences in life.
There is no such thing as absolute “right” or “wrong”, there are just people, perspectives and circumstances.
Putting yourselves in other's shoes
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Wednesday, March 04, 2015

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