Retained products of conception: MRI
33 yr old lady after 2nd trimester (therapeutic) MTP10 days back with pain and bleeding and USG suggesting complex mass lesion with endometrial thickness not measurable shows on MRI, a large 5 cms appx measuring polypoidal ,endocavitary lesion with complete loss of junctional zone and myometrial thinning suggesting RPOC (Retained products of conception)
Teaching points by Dr MGK Murthy
1. Can occur in less than 1% of all pregnancies with increased incidence in MTP, 2nd trimester abortions, Placenta accreta
2.Can present with pain and bleeding similar to gestational Trophoblastic disease (GTD) (RPOC Beta HCG drops to normal after 2-3 weeks unlike the GTD)
3. USG shows echogenic ,complex, vascular (at times avascular ) mass lesion (endometrial thickness of 10mm) with calcification if chronic
4.MRI is helpful to show loss of junctional zone, anatomical delineation , myometrial thinning part from the extra uterine findings.
Retained products of conception: MRI
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Tuesday, May 05, 2015

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