Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy: MRI
6 day old full term baby ,clinically suspected to be of neonatal hypoxic sequelae shows 1-2-3-4 sign of T1W bright signal intensity alterations of basal ganglia of severe &Total variety and deep watershed ischemia of Partial &Prolonged varieties of Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, suggesting overlap of the varieties does occur
Teaching points by Dr MGK Murthy
Techologist : Mr Venkat
(a)Neonatal hypoxia findings vary from full term baby to premature bay , and sudden &Total or partial &Prolonged variety ,depending on the aetiology of hypoxia
(b) Sudden, Severe and Total variety of hypoxia occurs in abruptio placentae etc AND produces classical 1-2-3-4 sign as enumerated below
1. Increased T1W bright signal of basal ganglia (first 3 days of life)(stays for 2-4 months) (Cf-subtle increase may be False +ve in some normal infants )
2. Thalamus increase signal on T1W (better on sagittal T1)(Cf- subtle ventrolateral nuclei bright signal may be seen in normal neonate) (Basal ganglia/ thalamus being metabolically active >involved than others)
3. Absent Posterior limb sign referring to absent (normally seen) T2 Low signal of Posterior limb of internal capsule(min of 25% should be dark on T2WI at birth)
4.DW bright signals with reduced ADC values of basal ganglia/ Thalami
(c) Partial and prolonged variety of hypoxia as seen in prolonged labour / decreased heart rate etc, would display hypo perfusion signs like Periventricular leukomalacia (PVL)( in prematures) and "deep watershed Ischemia" in full term neonates at junctions of ACA/MCA and MCA/PCA frontal and occipital periventricular regions symmetrically as seen in our case
Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy: MRI
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Tuesday, November 10, 2015

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