Stress fracture of femoral neck-MRI
Case Report: 15 yr old girl with pain left hip region with no history of significant trauma displays linear incomplete line of altered signal in the femoral neck inferior surface consistent with stress fracture of compression variety.
Teaching points by Dr MGK Murthy, MRI technologist: Mr Afroz
- Stress fractures of femoral neck are uncommon and usually unilateral and seen in military recruits and athletes with unusual physical activity demands. Women more often involved and in post menopausal women,osteoporosis may play a role. Xray may not demonstrate. If symmetrical, bilateral incomplete fractures seen , osteomalacia is the first possibility
- Stress fractures are of two varieties (a) superior surface involvement called tension fractures can and do progress and displace (b) Inferior surface fracture called compression variety is stable and shows callus on all modalities usually
- MRI is good modality to show linear fracture line and marrow edema on either side . Bone scan is also diagnostic like other locations in cases of stress fracture including occult variety
Stress fracture of femoral neck-MRI
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Thursday, November 26, 2015

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