Two cases of Gossypiboma -Teaching Points
Case 1
22 year female with puerperal status
presents for CT scan abdomen to rule out pelvic infection. CT
shows enlarged uterus with mixed density lesion in relation to
endometrial cavity, anterior wall of uterus with air pockets, endometrial outline not well differentiated
with unremarkable periuterine tissue, cervix, bladder and rectum with no
lymphadenopathy or vessels encasement or displacement or hydroureteronephrosis
or bowel adherent or ileus or intraperitoneal air – likely represents
Case 2
23 year female with LSCS 3 months back
presents for CT abdomen for pain abdomen. CT shows well defined rounded
encapsulated heterogeneous structure with multiple air pockets ,
hyperdensities and soft tissue density
within it with peripheral enhancement in RIF with broad contact with right wall
of uterus & inner margin of anterior abdominal wall & indenting the
adjacent bowel loops – likely represents gossypiboma.
Teaching points by Dr MGK Murthy,
Dr GA Prasad
• Synonym
– textiloma or gossypiboma – mass of
cotton matrix left behind in a body cavity after an operation. In Latin
gossypium means cotton & Swahili word boma means place of concealment .
• Sites
– most common in abdominal cavity, other sites – thorax – pleural or
pericardial cavity, breast extremities. More common in obese patients. In
emergency surgeries.
• Cotton
or gauze pads can cause foreign body reactions. Some gossypibomas cause
infection or abscess formation in the early stage, whereas others remain
clinically silent for many years. Surgical sponges are made of cotton that does
not stimulate any specific biochemical reaction except adhesion and granuloma
• Gossypibomas
cause two types of responses in the body: exudative and aseptic fibrous. The
latter can have adhesions, encapsulation, and eventually, granuloma formation.
Exudative variety usually occurs early in the postoperative period causing
secondary bacterial contamination, which results in various fistulas. The
longer the retention time, the higher the risk of fistulization.
X rays - most commonly used, if the sponge contains a radiopaque marker, the
diagnosis can be made easily on X ray.
Radiographs can also suggest characteristic whorllike pattern or a fine
opacity with some mottled small air densities over it.
• A
hyperreflective lesion with a hypoechoic rim and a strong posterior shadow on
ultrasound and a whorllike spongiform hypodense mass with gas bubbles & a
thick peripheral rim on CT are the most common findings. Lesion may contain
wavy striped high-density areas that represent the sponge itself.
Two cases of Gossypiboma -Teaching Points
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Tuesday, February 07, 2017

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