Pseudocyst of Morel–Lavalle´e : Post Liposuction
Case Report: Patient is a post liposuction status with post procedural changes and signal alteration in the subcutaneous fat. There is an oblong lobulated lesion in left anterolateral gluteal region/thigh measuring 9.9 x 6.2cm in the axial section and 16cm in superoinferior direction with fluid fluid level and fat contents showing signal suppression on fat sat images. Few septae are noted within the lesion. These findings are consistent with pseudocyst of Morel-Lavallee. (post liposuction soft tissue injury can lead to the formation of a pseudocyst in the subcutaneous adipose tissue due to a haematoma, seroma, or fat necrosis.)
Pathogenesis: In response to excessive pressure, the fat compartments
burst open, with rupture of the septa and
shearing of the anchorage of the skin and the
superficial fascia. Subsequently, a cavity arises
where blood migrates with fat and lymph capillaries
continuously draining, resulting in stasis and even encapsulation by fibrous tissue (granulation or
connective tissue), followed by the formation of a
pseudocyst, pseudolipoma, hematoma and/or
History : The
French physician Morel–Lavalle´e first described
these cysts in 1853. He observed the phenomenon
in a woman’s lower limb after tangential trauma
with separation of the fatty layers.
Pseudocyst of Morel–Lavalle´e : Post Liposuction
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Monday, June 12, 2017

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