Bladder exstrophy – CT
Case Report– 16 years male presents for CECT
abdomen& pelvis with swelling in lower abdomen & difficulty in passing
urine since very long time. No past surgical history.
findings –
Marked widening of the
symphysis pubis with absence of normal urinary bladder.
Focal defect seen in
anterior abdominal wall near midline in suprapubic region with small protrusion
of pelvic mesentry into it leading to external bulge in the abdominal wall with
overlying thickening of the soft tissue planes.
Normal kidneys &
bilateral upper 2/3 of ureters in location, contour, size & enhancement
without any hydronephrosis. Delayed phase shows normal contrast excretion in
both kidneys & ureters. Distal 1/3 of both ureters show mild dilatation
with acute anteromedial course in lateral
pelvis reaching upto the abdominal wall defect in suprapubic region with
further short segment of severe narrowing of caliber of ureters coursing
anteriorly near midline upto the superior margin of base of penis simulating
epispadias. Penile shaft is blunted
& smaller in size. Scrotum is unremarkable.
Findings are suggestive
of urinary bladder exstrophy with epispadias.
Bladder exstrophy is a
rare congenital birth defect occurring
about 3 in 100, 000 births with males to female ratio of 3:1 & includes malformation of the bladder and urethra in
which the bladder is turned inside out, flattened and exposed to outside the body & bladder neck fails to
The condition is caused
by incomplete development of the infra- umbilical part of the anterior
abdominal wall, associated with incomplete development of the anterior wall of
the bladder owing to delayed rupture of the cloacal membrane. Persistence of
the cloacal membrane prevents medial mesenchymal ingrowth, causing the
abdominal wall to remain lateral and the posterior bladder wall to be exposed
to the external surface . Trigone of the bladder and ureteral openings are
exposed and sometimes there is mild prolapse.
The pubic symphysis is
widened with diastasis of rectus
abdominis. Umbilicus is low set. In males the penis is short, stubby, curved
upwards and is drawn into the exstrophic area. Unilateral or bilateral
cryptorchidism or Inguinal hernia may be
present . In females, the urethra is short, often buried in the exstrophied
bladder. The clitoris tends to be bifid. The labia are also widely separated.
The vagina is short and orifice may be stenotic. Uterine prolapse or
unicornuate uterus may be present Anus is anteriorly placed.
Antenatal USG findings of
exstrophy - epispadias complex include –
Repeated failure to
visualize the bladder.
Lower anterior abdominal
wall mass.
Low set umbilicus with
Abnormal genitalia.
Increased pelvic
Associated renal anomalies, myelomeningocoele
and limb anomalies, which are more common in cloacal exstrophy.
Surgical steps include closing the bony
pelvic ring & bladder / posterior urethra and / anterior abdominal wall
defect and reconstruct the genitalia. Osteotomy of both iliac bones just
lateral to SI joints. Later reconstruction of bladder neck and sphincter is
done. Another option is urinary diversion if continence is poor following
bladder reconstruction. This can be done by ureterosigmoid anastomosis or
formation of ileal conduit, colonic conduit or continent urinary diversion.
Bladder exstrophy – CT
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Monday, November 20, 2017

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